Some samples of our mission outreach...
1. February Hearts for Blankets mission. $10 buys a heart, which buys a blanket.
Blankets are distributed after disasters to those in need.
2. Prayer Shawls are small lap shawls handmade by the women of our church.
These are available to anyone requesting them.
3. North Cedar Food Bank offering a variety of food and necessities for families
4. Mitchell County Food Bank supports local families needing food assistance.
5. Crop Walk is an annual event to help provide funds for the Food Bank.
NE Iowa District
1. Through our IAUMC District Giving we support funds that are available via grants to churches in our district needing specialized projects such as improving handicap access, church repair projects, and special local missions.
Iowa Conference and Worldwide Missions
1. Our church apportionments paid to our state conference help support state, national and world missions. UMCOR, for instance, offers support for national and worldwide emergencies by allocating 100% of funds donated to support those missions.
2. Health Kits and School Kits provide support to improve health and hygiene as well as providing school supplies nationally and worldwide.